“Desperate for a breakthrough as she nears the big 4-0, struggling New York City playwright Radha finds inspiration by reinventing herself as a rapper.”
In a raucous holiday episode, the Spoilers laud Radha Blank’s heartwarming tribute to New York City and creaky black knees. With a hilarious and Irreverent critical eye, the Spoilers have nothing but good things to say about this funny, insightful, and heartwarming film. They love Radha’s edge, they love her dope AARP lyrics, and they LOVE D (don’t even get us started on that love scene). This is an all-love episode with a sprinkle of wisdom here and there for seasoning. Frankly, it’s exactly the kind of episode we envisioned when we started this whole thing 26 episodes ago — just four friends talking and laughing about something they like. Hope you all enjoy listening to it as much as we enjoyed making it.
Mentioned in the episode...
- Dangerous Minds
- She’s Gotta Have It (film and TV show)
- Chi-Raq
- 8-Mile
- Hustle and Flow
- Hamilton
- “Dinosaurs in the Hood,” Danez Smith (In Don’t Call Us Dead)
- The White Card, Claudia Rankine
- How Racism Takes Place, George Lipsitz
- “White Time: The Chronic Injustice of Ideal Theory,” Charles W. Mills
What we're reading, watching, listening to, eating, etc:
- Crystal – Breath, Eyes, Memory, Edwidge Danticat
- Todd – Empire of Wild, Cherie Dimaline
- Adriana – The City We Became, N.K. Jemison & Station Eleven, Emily St. John Mandel
- Anita – Star Trek Discovery & Picard